Thursday, March 18, 2010

Money Is Like Hygiene...

“The psychologist Frederick Herzberg called money a “hygiene factor.” It is a motivator up to a certain point, after which it subsides in importance.

This means that you need a minimum amount of money to feel secure. If you have less than you need, you will think about money all the time. If you have more than you need, you will be able to relax and think of other things that are more important to you.

Wealthy people will tell you that money is only a way of keeping score. Once you achieve a certain level, you are aware of it, but you stop thinking about it all the time. You view money more as a measure of how well you are doing.

When you have enough, you then start to think more about your health, your relationships, and making a difference in your work life. You spend more time with your family. At a certain level, money is no longer your main concern. Your whole life improves when you reach this point.

But below a certain point, you think of nothing else. You get up in the morning and think about money. You talk about money at breakfast and you worry about money all day long. Your money concerns affect your relationships and have an impact on all your choices, including what you eat for lunch. This is no way to live.” – Brian Tracy

Leave it to Brian Tracy to write something this level-headed and cool about having moolah...

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