Monday, March 29, 2010

Here's How To Get CD14 of Your Wish Is Your Command...

Click here to get CD 14 of the bestselling Program, Your Wish Is Your Command - How Anyone Can Make Millions / The Money Making Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know About, by famous bestselling author and billionaire Kevin Trudeau for free. It was recorded at a seminar in the Swiss Alps that attendees paid $10,000 each to be there. CD 14 discusses The Global Information Network, of which Your Wish Is Your Command is its flagship program. It's incredible, it's ground-floor, it's all about *secret* knowledge and opportunities, and I dare say you're going to be EXCITED after you listen to this. Find out if you qualify.

If you have any questions about the Global Information Network please contact me anytime at >>> and I'll get right back to you. Joining is by invitation ONLY, so to do so go here, check out the details and use the Code: thegifted if you want to get in on the action.

Take a listen and I'll see you Inside.

Peace and Victory,
Jevaughn Brown

Have A Goal - Be Like An Iceberg...

A Goal: A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder, he doesn’t know where he’s going, he then belongs to that 95% that are just living day by day, month after month like a starfish or an amoeba. He needs to know where he’s going.

Back in the early days of navigation, sailors used to see a strange sight in the Antarctic: They’d see a giant iceberg towering high out of the sea and it would be moving against the wind – the wind would be blowing this way, the great iceberg would moving right into the teeth of the wind. And this of course frightened the sailors whose ships were powered by the wind, until it was discovered that of course only a fraction of the great ’berg was visible, and that its huge ponderous roots were caught in the great currents of the ocean. And it was being borne purposely along its way regardless of the winds and the tides on the surface.

Well this is what a man needs. He needs his roots deep in a great main-stream of his own choosing. And then he’ll move along his way, regardless of the winds on the surface of his life or short-term expediency. And he’ll get to where he’s going.”
– Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret Video 2

You can see all 3 of those rare videos of personal development pioneer Earl Nightingale here

Peace and Victory,

Jevaughn Brown

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Will Smith On LOA, Possibility & Hustle

If we're talking about Law Of Attraction, Determination, Persistence, Accomplishment and Possibility, watch this video:

Are you willing to run yourself into the ground before you give up on what you've DECIDED to achieve? If you are - you won't have to - 'Cause then you'll win...

If you'd like to learn about an international Member-only Club founded by 31 Billionaires where you can learn the life principles Will Smith knows that we don't (until now), with a dramatic business opportunity attached, I invite you to check out my post here.

Peace and VICTORY...

Jevaughn Brown

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Money Is Like Hygiene...

“The psychologist Frederick Herzberg called money a “hygiene factor.” It is a motivator up to a certain point, after which it subsides in importance.

This means that you need a minimum amount of money to feel secure. If you have less than you need, you will think about money all the time. If you have more than you need, you will be able to relax and think of other things that are more important to you.

Wealthy people will tell you that money is only a way of keeping score. Once you achieve a certain level, you are aware of it, but you stop thinking about it all the time. You view money more as a measure of how well you are doing.

When you have enough, you then start to think more about your health, your relationships, and making a difference in your work life. You spend more time with your family. At a certain level, money is no longer your main concern. Your whole life improves when you reach this point.

But below a certain point, you think of nothing else. You get up in the morning and think about money. You talk about money at breakfast and you worry about money all day long. Your money concerns affect your relationships and have an impact on all your choices, including what you eat for lunch. This is no way to live.” – Brian Tracy

Leave it to Brian Tracy to write something this level-headed and cool about having moolah...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Make All Your Dreams Come True With The Global Information Network

( Pay close attention below and learn about this incredible new opportunity - Or just skip ahead and listen to the Audios here then enter the Member's Area with referral code: thegifted )
Dear Champion,

If you are lucky, maybe once in your lifetime a day will come where you will have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a money making opportunity that can almost GUARANTEE your success.

Today is that day!

In 1996 a very successful wealthy friend of mine launched a multi-level marketing program. This man is a TV celebrity, and a number 1 New York Times bestselling author. His books have sold an estimated 50 million copies. When he launched this new MLM program in 1996, the company was publicly traded on NASDAQ with a stock price of just .50 cents. In less than 18 months over 200,000 joined this company. Sales exceeded $250,000,000! And the stock went to $35!!!

Many people that got in at the beginning made millions. Don’t you wish YOU had gotten in back then at the very beginning?

Well my friend sold his equity in 1999 and made yet another fortune.

Now, he's doing it AGAIN.

This time with over 30 other wealthy people from around the world. Together they have launched a BRAND NEW organization……the Global Information Network.

For the first time in history, a money making program is being launched WORLDWIDE SIMULTANEOUSLY!

This is totally ground floor. You are among the VERY FIRST people to be hearing about this. Those who get in on the ground floor of these types of opportunities have the chance to make the most money.

90 days from today you could be making more money than you ever imagined.

It is the most revolutionary money making program I have ever seen. Nothing like this has been done before. It has a Network Marketing twist to it that’s making this one of the fastest growing programs of all time.

It has JUST STARTED. You can get in at the beginning of the beginning.

I'm in GIN, and I too believe millionaires will be made faster than with any other program... Ever!

In just these first months some people are already making huge money. One top member made $148,200 his first month and his second month made over $288,600!! 

"Results not typical" with that example obviously, but look at the raw power in this right from the start! This is real and happening now. 

I am personally inviting you to join and become a Member as well. Membership is by invitation only.

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to get in on the ground floor launch of a major global money making and networking opportunity that could make you more money than you ever imagined. Dream Bigger.

Imagine in just a few months building up to making $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, even $30,000 PER MONTH! If you WANT it, you CAN.

Who Do You Listen To? Shouldn't it be those who already have what you want? Wouldn't you want to learn from members of the highest levels of the world's "elite" power groups; Members who've decided enough is enough and are REVEALING the secrets and opportunities that have been kept from the masses? Secrets to have, be, or do anything and everything you personally want? 

That's what you're going to find here in GIN.

Wealth can be yours. A support network of like-minded successful people in these challenging and exciting times can be yours.

Simply click over to

Read the information on the website and listen to the audios. It explains it all.

You will understand what I am talking about and why I'm so excited. It will only take a few minutes.

This program is simple, powerful, and WORKS!

Sign up as a MEMBER and use the referral code - thegifted - to access everything.
(Remember GIN is invitation only.)

If you have questions please feel free to email me ASAP at >>>

Join now and start making all of your dreams come true.

Talk to you very soon……And I will see YOU on the beaches of the world…

Jevaughn Brown

Could you do me a favor and ReTweet this

please? Thanks in advance.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Your Conscious Awareness Is A Mere Footprint? Yup...

“Please look at your foot right now…If you look at your foot on the floor you see the tiny amount of the total floor surface that it covers. Imagine that your Conscious Mind can see ONLY what is directly under your feet. This is the “online” information that you have access to consciously. 

Now, please look around at THE REST OF YOUR FLOOR – which is representing the REST of your mind and brain resources beyond just that bit of floor that your foot covered. The rest of the floor represents all of the information within you; all of the “offline” information… 

You can’t do enough of this simple perception. You simply cannot appreciate fully enough what is at stake here; just what an astounding WEALTH of resources we all have here, and have been ignoring.” 
– Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies Corporation in his Genius Code Course with Win Wenger
What we are aware of, what we think are the “Facts” of Reality around us; even the “Facts” we believe are limiting us – Is all just the tiny scope of our “radar screen”, while Reality stretches for another 100 feet all around our screen of awareness so to speak... 

What we CAN see normally is just a footprint’s worth of What Is. Our subconscious processes incredibly much more than that: we should move towards tapping into that. And Reality itself is unfathomably MORE than what we perceive and so stridently cling to and declare “that's all there is to it.”

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Is The Right Action That Will Lead To Your Ultimate Goals?

What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? What actions 

do I need to take Now? Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing? These

are the questions that most of us are constantly asking ourselves in

our minds. Most of the time, we are asking unconsciously. We are

constantly judging what we are doing, because we are afraid of making

mistakes. Let me now show you how to choose the right action that will

lead you to your ultimate goals. 

First of all, let's discuss ... The root of all procrastination.

Very often, people tell me "I have studied

all the theories of success and read all the self improvement books,

but I still don't know what to do." Then they end up doing nothing, and

getting no results. No matter how many books you read, how many tapes

you listen to, and how many seminars you attend, if you don't take any

action, you won't have any result. Action creates result. You can't

change this fact. Inaction leads to endless procrastination, and

ultimately leads to failure. You must understand that no matter how bad

the situation is, you can always take some action to improve it right

now, even for just a little improvement. If you can’t imagine how to

make 1 million dollars, just make a commitment to make 100 dollars

first. You might have heard of the phrase CANI: It represents

constant-and-never-ending-improvement. Success is a journey, not a

destination. This journey is about improvement. As long as you are

making some kind of improvement, you are leading to success. 

Now you know you need to take some kind of action, then... What is the right

action? The answer is to ask your intuition. Your intuition will never

fool you, because it is a message from Higher Intelligence. Your

intuition always knows what is right and what is wrong. Do you remember

I said that feelings and emotions were the language of the universe?

They are also the messages from the higher intelligence of the

universe. When you feel a positive emotion, the universe is telling you

that you are doing well, keep on doing it; when you are receiving a

negative emotion, the universe is warning you that you are not aligned

with your ultimate purpose, or life mission. You need to correct your

action. This is the way the universe communicates with you. Before

taking any action, ask yourself, "What feeling will it make me feel

once I have accomplished this action?" Most of the time, your intuition

will give you immediate feedback; you either receive a positive or a

negative emotion. Listen to your intuition, and do what makes you feel

good. Don't worry about making mistakes, because... 

Everything is in its divine order. One of the most stubborn road blocks to success is

fear of failure, or fear of making mistakes. To completely remove this

road block, you must accept a belief that everything is in divine

order. Look back over your life of the past 10 years. Did you make any

mistakes? Sure you did, but without those mistakes, would you have the

life you are living now? If you look deeply, you will find that those

mistakes have inevitably created some coincidence that has led to your

present life. There is always a connection between the things that are

happening in your life. The mistakes were part of your life journey

that could not have been missed, so why did you worry at that time?

After my university entrance examination, I did not get a chance to

join an old name university that I loved very much. Most people that

knew me felt sorry for me, but I did not care, I joined the university

of my second choice. A month after joining that university, I was

offered a scholarship to study abroad in a much better university than

my first choice university. Best of all, I did not spend a single dime

on my tertiary education; even my everyday spending was covered by that

scholarship. I would never have had this chance if I had joined my

first choice university. I believe every thing is in its divine order,

in my life nothing ever goes wrong. If you want more of this kind of

coincidence happen in your life, repeat this everyday when you feel

doubt :

"Everything is in its divine order, in my life, nothing ever goes


To sum up, you need to make a small improvement everyday. Before

taking any action, think of the feelings it will bring to you, and make

the right choice based on your feelings. Then just do it, and believe

you are doing the right thing because everything is in divine order.

Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online ebooks "Rapid Manifestation"

and "The Lost Secrets of Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of 

people greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest their true desires 

easily and effortlessly. He has recently developed a powerful 

mind programming system: Quantum Mind Power ( ) with a top Brainwave Entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch.

Check out this amazing new system and get a FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse at

I may be compensated for any link you click in this post. Why am I affiliated with this product? Because I USE IT, love it, and if there was no such thing as money - I'd be telling you about it. And I think that is the ultimate reason to recommend anything. Don't you?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Listen Your Way To Success And Abundance

It's unlike anything you have ever seen. It's
so unique and powerful it's revolutionizing
the entire Self Improvement industry.

Can you imagine having your life totally
transformed without using any "willpower" or "effort"
on your part - just taking action naturally?

Can you imagine experiencing the same
peaceful, enjoyable, deep meditation that only
skilled Zen Masters have had the privilege to
(Until now...)

Can you imagine having the power to attract an
abundance of health, wealth, and relationships
easily and effortlessly?

Can you imagine having the power to tap into your
subconscious mind and program yourself for success

With the power of the **Quantum Mind Power** system, 
all these ARE possible - for You.

All you need to do is to listen to the system for
a few minutes each day. Your own brain does the rest


It's actually enjoyable and most of all powerful.

If you've "tried everything" already, great: Now you know 

what doesn't work.
This is Cutting Edge Science from a Certified Expert -  

It can make all the difference in your situation.

Check it out here and
find out the only proven way to change your life, by changing your brainwaves...

Peace and Victory
Jevaughn Brown

PS. There are some great fast action bonuses too.
They're so good you WILL NOT want to miss
them. Grab your copy Right Now.

Get it all at:

I may be compensated for any link you click in this post. 
Why am I affiliated with this product? Because I USE IT, love it, and if there was no such thing as money - I'd be telling you about it. And I think that is the ultimate reason to recommend anything. Don't you? 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scientists Are People Too You Know...

Always remember this one thing, and many things and conflicting information going on in the world will become clear: 

Scientists and Doctors and Researchers ARE PEOPLE TOO! Someone, or some few among their ranks have the up-to-the-minute answers or methods in any given area (usually). BUT do NOT take them to be the new post-modern High Priesthood you obey blindly as if they're Always Right. 

They are collectively vulnerable to the same mental errors; to falling into the same corrupting influences (bribes/payoffs, lust for power and prestige, etc); to suffering from the same laziness to progress; to the same attachment to pet theories, or beliefs now-proven-wrong, etc, etc that ALL humans are. 

The good ones use the true Scientific Method and hold to it no matter what; dedicated to Results; with a dash of humility, built on the foundation that "Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." as Nikola Tesla said...

Do not be intimidated to back down just because someone truly or only supposedly "smarter than you" trumpets a genuinely bogus idea loudly, or one that is, in fact, still a theory that warrants debate and study...

Peace and Victory
Jevaughn Brown