Thursday, September 23, 2010


This is the real speech re-enacted by an actor. The speech says it all in its denounciation of the Military-Industrial Complex and government. U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler was only one of 19 people ever awarded the Medal of Honor twice and the only person to be awarded a Marine Corps Brevet Medal and a Medal of Honor for two different actions. In 1934 there was an attempted coup in the United States that was thwarted largely due to the efforts of Butler. What he says is true worldwide, USA is just the pioneer, taking over from Ol' Britain.

Real Talk...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Fear Of Success Is Much More Powerful Than The Fear Of Failure...

“The fear of success is much more powerful than the fear of failure. That is why there are so many more people prone to become failures than successes.

Each one of us is driven to a certain extent by fear - fear to rise, fear to fall, fear that we will remain in the same place.

So many of us think that we want to be rich, that we want to be famous, that we want to accomplish great deeds, but often these feelings are just idle ruminations. Most of the things we think we want come at the price of leaving behind our familiar life and venturing into the unknown. Every time we accomplish something and move ahead, we have to exchange the known conditions of our life for uncertainty and unfamiliarity.

Even though most people think they are trying to succeed, they are simply going through the motions. The last thing in the world that they want is to get off the familiar treadmill and actually get somewhere.

Before we can succeed, we must clearly understand that success means change and the risk of failure. The failure of those who do not try anything great is commonplace and comfortably private. The failure of those who attempt extraordinary accomplishments is much more public and generally accompanied by sighs of satisfaction from ordinary failures.

When we don't pay our bills, a computer somewhere writes us a nasty letter. When Donald Trump doesn't pay his bills, it makes the six o'clock news.

Success also requires the courage to risk disapproval. All independent thought, new ideas, or endeavors beyond the common measure are greeted with disapproval ranging from skepticism and ridicule to violent outrage. To persevere in anything exceptional requires inner strength and the unshakable conviction that you are right.” 

Chin-Ning Chu, in her bestselling classic Thick Face, Black Heart

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Seriously, I got Epiphany Exhaustion from watching this -- LOL. This presentation is really profound when you look at the world from this perspective; opens your eyes to what's really going on, in a good way. The examples he uses to prove his points are very powerful, like Apple and TiVo; from Martin Luther King Jr. to the Wright Brothers. Check it out...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Litany Against Fear

Last night I started to reread the uber-classic science fiction novel "Dune" by Frank Herbert, and rediscovered one of my favorite quotations: It's called the "Litany against Fear" from the powerful Bene Gesserit organization in the story. Here it is:

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

Yeah, deep. Might be worth actually reciting for real whenever fear and anxiety threaten to overwhelm you in the moment. Well, hope you liked that dear reader.

Peace and Victory,
Jevaughn Brown

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why Poor Sleep Lowers Your Immune System

Have you ever wondered 'exactly' why we tend to sleep longer when we're sick? As you might already know, we sleep in "sleep cycles". We can categorize these cycles into "light sleep", and "deep sleep." But just HOW important deep sleep is to our immune system?...

As you read, it's during the first 3-4 hours of our sleep that we experience the longest period of Stage 3 and Stage 4 sleep.

Stage 3 and Stage 4 Sleep is also commonly termed "deep sleep."

    * It's during deep sleep that we experience very low brain waves called Theta and Delta brain waves.

    * Our blood vessels dilate and all the blood that is usually stored in our organs throughout the day moves into our muscles to nourish and repair them.

    * Our immune system also activates during deep sleep to fight disease. This is why people tend to sleep longer when they're sick.

When you don't take proper care of your inner sleeping system, you're usually at risk of "poor sleep." Poor sleep happens for a variety of reasons which I outline in the Powerful Sleep book, but the main "symptom" is the inability or the difficulty of obtaining proper amounts of "deep sleep."

It's very common for people who travel across many time zones to get sick very quickly, we usually blame this on "Jet-Lag." However, jet lag happens because of the body's natural body temperature rhythm being out of alignment. Jet-Lag commonly creates a disruption of deep sleep, added with the stress of travel, this is a perfect mixture for lowering one's immune system.

Most people live without being aware of all the actions they're taking in their lives that are completely detrimental to their sleeping system, which are depriving them of energy, and making them SLEEP LONGER than they really need to. Fortunately, there are simple methods to take proper care of your inner sleep system, and strengthen it for maximum performance.

About The Author:

Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the “Powerful Sleep - Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock” system on He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS! Not more. He dispels the “8 hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and what the drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know.  Go to: to find out more about enjoying Powerful Sleep.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The 4 Things That Cause Sciatica And How To Get Relief Video

Here's Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute presents a video explaining The 4 Things That Cause Sciatica And How To Get Relief

If you or someone you care about have sciatica, or if you're concerned about developing it, this could be invaluable information. Hope you enjoy it: Watch Sciatica Video Now. .

Top 5 Causes of Back, Neck and Sciatic Pain Article

Here's a great article discussing the real top five causes of back pain, neck pain, sciatica, etc, and thus how to identify which is affecting you or a loved one. And most importantly - what to do about them. Check it out; you'll be glad you did.

Peace and Victory (over pain),
Jevaughn Brown

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Brain Science Is About To Fundamentally Change Computing

Treo creator Jeff Hawkins urges us to take a new look at the brain -- to see it not as a fast processor, but as a memory system that stores and plays back experiences to help us predict, intelligently, what will happen next. A TEDTalk presentation - Enjoy...

Peace and Victory,
Jevaughn Brown

Friday, May 14, 2010

Simpleology 203: The Simple Science of Invincibility

Our beliefs and attitudes shape our experience. What if we could totally transform our experience of life by just making some tiny shifts in our thinking?

It only takes 3 minutes a day:

Mark Joyner >> Everything Simpleology >> Awesomeness Illustrated.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Shaolin Monk Balances on 2 Fingers - !!!!!!!!

...One word: Daaaaaaaaaaaayyuuum!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gerald Celente Interview on The Alex Jones Show 7-May-10

Gerald Celente was right AGAIN! What does the shocking stock market dive last week reveal? What's really being done overall and behind the scenes worldwide? Here's some truth about what's going on in the world economy and society from one of the few who saw all of these crises coming, and the potentials for what's coming next...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Can Sleeping 8 Hours KILL You Faster?

A recent study done by the University of California and the shocking finding of it: "People who sleep 8 hours or more have a 50% higher mortality (death) rate than people who sleep less.

Yes, it's true that such a study was carried out...However, does this mean that sleeping longer will create a higher chance of death and disease for you?

No. There's no solid proof for that, but if you read about this study, and if you've read the two free chapters from our Powerful Sleep eBook, you might have realized the connection between less sleep, your daily energy levels, and the strength of your immune system.

As you might notice, it's during deep sleep that your body undergoes major physiological changes to repair your muscles, power up your immune system and replenish your energy.

The question really isn't "how long should I sleep?" The question really is...

"How can I optimize my sleep system to gain POWERFUL and QUALITY sleep?"

You see, there is a difference between quantity, and quality. The problem, and the challenge is that most people don't understand sleep. They think sleep is a very basic thing that happens to us every night. I mean, think about it, we sleep, we wake up, and we magically feel refreshed, right? Because of this misunderstanding, many people live today with very out of balance sleeping systems that are deprive you of your energy, without even being aware of it.

Sleep is actually quite a complex and fascinating system. Here, briefly, are the effects of sleeping longer:

Sleeping longer than you need to will weaken your sleep system, as you reduce your prior wakefulness, exposure to sunlight, activity levels, and your body temperature is at a low for too long.

As a result, your melatonin hormone levels will stay high longer, you'll be more tired and drowsy during the day

When you sleep for long periods of time, your body temperature doesn't rise as quickly in the morning. This results in feeling very drowsy and tired for the early part of your day. If you stay inactive, this body temperature pattern will lead to poor sleep, which will prevent you from sleeping deeply.

This weakened sleep system and inability to get proper restful and energizing sleep creates low energy levels and a weakened immune system.

People usually sleep longer because their sleeping system is not being taken proper care of. They feel low on energy during the day, and think they need more sleep. In actuality, they feel low on energy because they have a weak sleep system, not because they're sleeping too little.

If you're currently sleeping around 8 to 10 hours and you feel LOW on energy during the day, it's not because you need more sleep. YOU NEED LESS SLEEP, and MORE ENERGY from your sleep.

Sleeping less actually INCREASES the strength of your sleeping system. The problem is, most people don't know anything about proper sleep system hygiene, or how to strengthen their inner sleep system. Only with the proper knowledge can you learn exactly how to optimize and strengthen your sleeping system, to have more energy and a higher level of health. Only once you've optimized your sleeping system for maximum performance can you reduce your sleep.

About The Author:
Kacper Postawski is an innovative sleep science researcher and the creator of the “Powerful Sleep - Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock” system. He can show you how to reduce your sleep by up to 3 hours, create more time, and an abundance of energy in your body by sleeping LESS! Not more. He dispels the “8 hour sleep myth”, tells you what most people never realize about sleep, and what the drug companies DONT WANT YOU to know.  Go to: to find out more about enjoying Powerful Sleep.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The 8 Mistakes Most Insomniacs Make...

As a result of “Learned Insomnia”, people usually try to re-cooperate by taking actions to work around their Insomnia. All these actions actually make Insomnia worse, by drastically weakening the sleep system and perpetuating it instead of solving the problem; because they do not attack the cause” of Insomnia, only its symptoms.

Here are some of these actions, you'll probably notice what you're doing right now falls somewhere on to this list.  Being aware of these actions and their effects will give you a better perspective on your Insomnia

1.  Taking Prescribed Sleeping Pills
As you will soon see in the next section, this is the death rattle, which in most cases turns Insomnia into a life long condition. For all the prescribed sleeping pills, the chemicals have many side effects include headache, dry mouth, nausea, grogginess, stomach ache, etc. It’s also highly addictive and make you unable to fall asleep without it. But once your body adapts the dosage of sleeping pills, the effectiveness of the pill tends to fade away and you either take more of it or you suffer from insomnia. This cycle goes on and make you suffer even more than insomnia alone. That’s why Ambien and other prescribed sleeping pills are only good for short term treatment and you should never take it more than 3 weeks.

2.  Going to bed early, and sleeping late on weekends to “Make up Sleep”
This makes Insomnia even more likely to happen as you are putting your body temperature levels out of wack. Creating the same effect that jet lag produces. This weakens your body's natural sleep system.  You will also limit your exposure to sunlight, which plays a key role in your melatonin hormone levels.

3.  Trying to “make up” sleep with long naps during the day.
This also weakens your body's natural sleep response, as you will be less likely to fall asleep later. Naps are Okay, and actually part of a way to cure Insomnia, only if you take them properly, as I'll show you later on.

4.  Eating large amounts of food, sugar, or candy before going to sleep to try to make yourself sleepy or tired.
Doing this does not solve the “cause” of insomnia, which is a weakened sleep system and a non-responsive “natural sleep response”. You may feel sleepy, but you will still wake up Un-rested. Nearly all the sugar you eat is turned into fat by your body, will in turn can create risk of Sleep Apnea.

5. Drinking alcohol before going to bed to induce sleep.
Many people think that drinking a glass of wine before bed is a good idea. It might make you feel sleepy but the disadvantages are many. Alcohol dehydrates your body, making it more likely you will wake up during the night thirsty for water. You will also most likely feel unrested, drowsy, and disoriented the next day (hang-over).  Drinking Alcohol before bed will also increase fat gain drastically.

CAUTION: Alcohol should NEVER be combined with sleeping pills, it is extremely dangerous, and it has and can cause death.

6.  Not exercising, and using your “lack of sleep” as an excuse not to exercise.
Lack of exercise plays a key-role in chronic Insomnia. Not exercising due to Insomnia only makes the Insomnia Cycle stronger; not exercising weakens the natural sleep response, as well as the sleep system. Not exercising weakens your metabolism, weakening your heart, creating respiratory problems, making you more likely to wake up during the night, or suffer from sleep apnea.

7.  Trying to force sleep
This will only increase your anxiety and frustration, weakening the “natural sleep response”, and making the “SLEEP = PAIN” anchor stronger and more apparent for your mind.

8.  Reading a Book or Watching TV in Bed to Induce Sleepiness
Not only does watching TV or reading keep your “conscious” racing mind active, it also diminishes the “natural sleep response.”  As this supports the negative anchor in your mind that the process of falling asleep is something you have to AVOID.  The more awake time you spend in your bed, the more your mind associates that the BED = AWAKE.  SLEEP = PAIN.

About The Author:
Toby Wong is an innovative sleep science researcher and co-founder of with his partner Kacper Postawski. Since 2003 they've been teaching people how to sleep less AND double their energy level by following simple, natural routines to strengthen the sleep system, the inner sleep clock. By strengthening the natural sleep clock, you're optimizing your sleep system which simultaneously cures insomnia.
Find out more about this time-tested system for getting the best sleep of your life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clark Kent vs Superman

“Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there’s the superhero and there’s the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker.

When that character wakes up in the morning, he’s Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone.

Superman didn’t become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he’s Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red “S”, that’s the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes.

What Kent wears – the glasses, the business suit – that’s the costume. That’s the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent? He’s weak, he’s unsure of himself, he’s a coward. Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the whole human race.”

– David Carradine as Bill, in the movie Kill Bill Volume 2

He's got a point there, right? :-) Leave it to Director Quentin Tarantino to slip in a surprisingly profound monologue line like that into one of his signature movies...
"Normal" - being "Ordinary People" - SUCKS, seriously...

Peace and Victory,

Jevaughn Brown 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Here's How To Get CD14 of Your Wish Is Your Command...

Click here to get CD 14 of the bestselling Program, Your Wish Is Your Command - How Anyone Can Make Millions / The Money Making Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know About, by famous bestselling author and billionaire Kevin Trudeau for free. It was recorded at a seminar in the Swiss Alps that attendees paid $10,000 each to be there. CD 14 discusses The Global Information Network, of which Your Wish Is Your Command is its flagship program. It's incredible, it's ground-floor, it's all about *secret* knowledge and opportunities, and I dare say you're going to be EXCITED after you listen to this. Find out if you qualify.

If you have any questions about the Global Information Network please contact me anytime at >>> and I'll get right back to you. Joining is by invitation ONLY, so to do so go here, check out the details and use the Code: thegifted if you want to get in on the action.

Take a listen and I'll see you Inside.

Peace and Victory,
Jevaughn Brown

Have A Goal - Be Like An Iceberg...

A Goal: A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder, he doesn’t know where he’s going, he then belongs to that 95% that are just living day by day, month after month like a starfish or an amoeba. He needs to know where he’s going.

Back in the early days of navigation, sailors used to see a strange sight in the Antarctic: They’d see a giant iceberg towering high out of the sea and it would be moving against the wind – the wind would be blowing this way, the great iceberg would moving right into the teeth of the wind. And this of course frightened the sailors whose ships were powered by the wind, until it was discovered that of course only a fraction of the great ’berg was visible, and that its huge ponderous roots were caught in the great currents of the ocean. And it was being borne purposely along its way regardless of the winds and the tides on the surface.

Well this is what a man needs. He needs his roots deep in a great main-stream of his own choosing. And then he’ll move along his way, regardless of the winds on the surface of his life or short-term expediency. And he’ll get to where he’s going.”
– Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret Video 2

You can see all 3 of those rare videos of personal development pioneer Earl Nightingale here

Peace and Victory,

Jevaughn Brown

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Will Smith On LOA, Possibility & Hustle

If we're talking about Law Of Attraction, Determination, Persistence, Accomplishment and Possibility, watch this video:

Are you willing to run yourself into the ground before you give up on what you've DECIDED to achieve? If you are - you won't have to - 'Cause then you'll win...

If you'd like to learn about an international Member-only Club founded by 31 Billionaires where you can learn the life principles Will Smith knows that we don't (until now), with a dramatic business opportunity attached, I invite you to check out my post here.

Peace and VICTORY...

Jevaughn Brown

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Money Is Like Hygiene...

“The psychologist Frederick Herzberg called money a “hygiene factor.” It is a motivator up to a certain point, after which it subsides in importance.

This means that you need a minimum amount of money to feel secure. If you have less than you need, you will think about money all the time. If you have more than you need, you will be able to relax and think of other things that are more important to you.

Wealthy people will tell you that money is only a way of keeping score. Once you achieve a certain level, you are aware of it, but you stop thinking about it all the time. You view money more as a measure of how well you are doing.

When you have enough, you then start to think more about your health, your relationships, and making a difference in your work life. You spend more time with your family. At a certain level, money is no longer your main concern. Your whole life improves when you reach this point.

But below a certain point, you think of nothing else. You get up in the morning and think about money. You talk about money at breakfast and you worry about money all day long. Your money concerns affect your relationships and have an impact on all your choices, including what you eat for lunch. This is no way to live.” – Brian Tracy

Leave it to Brian Tracy to write something this level-headed and cool about having moolah...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Make All Your Dreams Come True With The Global Information Network

( Pay close attention below and learn about this incredible new opportunity - Or just skip ahead and listen to the Audios here then enter the Member's Area with referral code: thegifted )
Dear Champion,

If you are lucky, maybe once in your lifetime a day will come where you will have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a money making opportunity that can almost GUARANTEE your success.

Today is that day!

In 1996 a very successful wealthy friend of mine launched a multi-level marketing program. This man is a TV celebrity, and a number 1 New York Times bestselling author. His books have sold an estimated 50 million copies. When he launched this new MLM program in 1996, the company was publicly traded on NASDAQ with a stock price of just .50 cents. In less than 18 months over 200,000 joined this company. Sales exceeded $250,000,000! And the stock went to $35!!!

Many people that got in at the beginning made millions. Don’t you wish YOU had gotten in back then at the very beginning?

Well my friend sold his equity in 1999 and made yet another fortune.

Now, he's doing it AGAIN.

This time with over 30 other wealthy people from around the world. Together they have launched a BRAND NEW organization……the Global Information Network.

For the first time in history, a money making program is being launched WORLDWIDE SIMULTANEOUSLY!

This is totally ground floor. You are among the VERY FIRST people to be hearing about this. Those who get in on the ground floor of these types of opportunities have the chance to make the most money.

90 days from today you could be making more money than you ever imagined.

It is the most revolutionary money making program I have ever seen. Nothing like this has been done before. It has a Network Marketing twist to it that’s making this one of the fastest growing programs of all time.

It has JUST STARTED. You can get in at the beginning of the beginning.

I'm in GIN, and I too believe millionaires will be made faster than with any other program... Ever!

In just these first months some people are already making huge money. One top member made $148,200 his first month and his second month made over $288,600!! 

"Results not typical" with that example obviously, but look at the raw power in this right from the start! This is real and happening now. 

I am personally inviting you to join and become a Member as well. Membership is by invitation only.

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to get in on the ground floor launch of a major global money making and networking opportunity that could make you more money than you ever imagined. Dream Bigger.

Imagine in just a few months building up to making $5,000, $10,000, $20,000, even $30,000 PER MONTH! If you WANT it, you CAN.

Who Do You Listen To? Shouldn't it be those who already have what you want? Wouldn't you want to learn from members of the highest levels of the world's "elite" power groups; Members who've decided enough is enough and are REVEALING the secrets and opportunities that have been kept from the masses? Secrets to have, be, or do anything and everything you personally want? 

That's what you're going to find here in GIN.

Wealth can be yours. A support network of like-minded successful people in these challenging and exciting times can be yours.

Simply click over to

Read the information on the website and listen to the audios. It explains it all.

You will understand what I am talking about and why I'm so excited. It will only take a few minutes.

This program is simple, powerful, and WORKS!

Sign up as a MEMBER and use the referral code - thegifted - to access everything.
(Remember GIN is invitation only.)

If you have questions please feel free to email me ASAP at >>>

Join now and start making all of your dreams come true.

Talk to you very soon……And I will see YOU on the beaches of the world…

Jevaughn Brown

Could you do me a favor and ReTweet this

please? Thanks in advance.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Your Conscious Awareness Is A Mere Footprint? Yup...

“Please look at your foot right now…If you look at your foot on the floor you see the tiny amount of the total floor surface that it covers. Imagine that your Conscious Mind can see ONLY what is directly under your feet. This is the “online” information that you have access to consciously. 

Now, please look around at THE REST OF YOUR FLOOR – which is representing the REST of your mind and brain resources beyond just that bit of floor that your foot covered. The rest of the floor represents all of the information within you; all of the “offline” information… 

You can’t do enough of this simple perception. You simply cannot appreciate fully enough what is at stake here; just what an astounding WEALTH of resources we all have here, and have been ignoring.” 
– Paul Scheele of Learning Strategies Corporation in his Genius Code Course with Win Wenger
What we are aware of, what we think are the “Facts” of Reality around us; even the “Facts” we believe are limiting us – Is all just the tiny scope of our “radar screen”, while Reality stretches for another 100 feet all around our screen of awareness so to speak... 

What we CAN see normally is just a footprint’s worth of What Is. Our subconscious processes incredibly much more than that: we should move towards tapping into that. And Reality itself is unfathomably MORE than what we perceive and so stridently cling to and declare “that's all there is to it.”

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Is The Right Action That Will Lead To Your Ultimate Goals?

What is the right thing I need to do to bring forth my desires? What actions 

do I need to take Now? Am I doing the right thing or the wrong thing? These

are the questions that most of us are constantly asking ourselves in

our minds. Most of the time, we are asking unconsciously. We are

constantly judging what we are doing, because we are afraid of making

mistakes. Let me now show you how to choose the right action that will

lead you to your ultimate goals. 

First of all, let's discuss ... The root of all procrastination.

Very often, people tell me "I have studied

all the theories of success and read all the self improvement books,

but I still don't know what to do." Then they end up doing nothing, and

getting no results. No matter how many books you read, how many tapes

you listen to, and how many seminars you attend, if you don't take any

action, you won't have any result. Action creates result. You can't

change this fact. Inaction leads to endless procrastination, and

ultimately leads to failure. You must understand that no matter how bad

the situation is, you can always take some action to improve it right

now, even for just a little improvement. If you can’t imagine how to

make 1 million dollars, just make a commitment to make 100 dollars

first. You might have heard of the phrase CANI: It represents

constant-and-never-ending-improvement. Success is a journey, not a

destination. This journey is about improvement. As long as you are

making some kind of improvement, you are leading to success. 

Now you know you need to take some kind of action, then... What is the right

action? The answer is to ask your intuition. Your intuition will never

fool you, because it is a message from Higher Intelligence. Your

intuition always knows what is right and what is wrong. Do you remember

I said that feelings and emotions were the language of the universe?

They are also the messages from the higher intelligence of the

universe. When you feel a positive emotion, the universe is telling you

that you are doing well, keep on doing it; when you are receiving a

negative emotion, the universe is warning you that you are not aligned

with your ultimate purpose, or life mission. You need to correct your

action. This is the way the universe communicates with you. Before

taking any action, ask yourself, "What feeling will it make me feel

once I have accomplished this action?" Most of the time, your intuition

will give you immediate feedback; you either receive a positive or a

negative emotion. Listen to your intuition, and do what makes you feel

good. Don't worry about making mistakes, because... 

Everything is in its divine order. One of the most stubborn road blocks to success is

fear of failure, or fear of making mistakes. To completely remove this

road block, you must accept a belief that everything is in divine

order. Look back over your life of the past 10 years. Did you make any

mistakes? Sure you did, but without those mistakes, would you have the

life you are living now? If you look deeply, you will find that those

mistakes have inevitably created some coincidence that has led to your

present life. There is always a connection between the things that are

happening in your life. The mistakes were part of your life journey

that could not have been missed, so why did you worry at that time?

After my university entrance examination, I did not get a chance to

join an old name university that I loved very much. Most people that

knew me felt sorry for me, but I did not care, I joined the university

of my second choice. A month after joining that university, I was

offered a scholarship to study abroad in a much better university than

my first choice university. Best of all, I did not spend a single dime

on my tertiary education; even my everyday spending was covered by that

scholarship. I would never have had this chance if I had joined my

first choice university. I believe every thing is in its divine order,

in my life nothing ever goes wrong. If you want more of this kind of

coincidence happen in your life, repeat this everyday when you feel

doubt :

"Everything is in its divine order, in my life, nothing ever goes


To sum up, you need to make a small improvement everyday. Before

taking any action, think of the feelings it will bring to you, and make

the right choice based on your feelings. Then just do it, and believe

you are doing the right thing because everything is in divine order.

Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online ebooks "Rapid Manifestation"

and "The Lost Secrets of Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of 

people greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest their true desires 

easily and effortlessly. He has recently developed a powerful 

mind programming system: Quantum Mind Power ( ) with a top Brainwave Entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch.

Check out this amazing new system and get a FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power ecourse at

I may be compensated for any link you click in this post. Why am I affiliated with this product? Because I USE IT, love it, and if there was no such thing as money - I'd be telling you about it. And I think that is the ultimate reason to recommend anything. Don't you?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Listen Your Way To Success And Abundance

It's unlike anything you have ever seen. It's
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Can you imagine having your life totally
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Can you imagine having the power to attract an
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Can you imagine having the power to tap into your
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With the power of the **Quantum Mind Power** system, 
all these ARE possible - for You.

All you need to do is to listen to the system for
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It's actually enjoyable and most of all powerful.

If you've "tried everything" already, great: Now you know 

what doesn't work.
This is Cutting Edge Science from a Certified Expert -  

It can make all the difference in your situation.

Check it out here and
find out the only proven way to change your life, by changing your brainwaves...

Peace and Victory
Jevaughn Brown

PS. There are some great fast action bonuses too.
They're so good you WILL NOT want to miss
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I may be compensated for any link you click in this post. 
Why am I affiliated with this product? Because I USE IT, love it, and if there was no such thing as money - I'd be telling you about it. And I think that is the ultimate reason to recommend anything. Don't you? 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scientists Are People Too You Know...

Always remember this one thing, and many things and conflicting information going on in the world will become clear: 

Scientists and Doctors and Researchers ARE PEOPLE TOO! Someone, or some few among their ranks have the up-to-the-minute answers or methods in any given area (usually). BUT do NOT take them to be the new post-modern High Priesthood you obey blindly as if they're Always Right. 

They are collectively vulnerable to the same mental errors; to falling into the same corrupting influences (bribes/payoffs, lust for power and prestige, etc); to suffering from the same laziness to progress; to the same attachment to pet theories, or beliefs now-proven-wrong, etc, etc that ALL humans are. 

The good ones use the true Scientific Method and hold to it no matter what; dedicated to Results; with a dash of humility, built on the foundation that "Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity." as Nikola Tesla said...

Do not be intimidated to back down just because someone truly or only supposedly "smarter than you" trumpets a genuinely bogus idea loudly, or one that is, in fact, still a theory that warrants debate and study...

Peace and Victory
Jevaughn Brown

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Higher Purpose of Tradional Education

“What we call “Education” works like this: Information is pumped into the left brain – most of it completely rubbish – and what students are asked to do is to hold that information there, and then when they get an exam paper in front of them to regurgitate that onto the paper.

If they remember it and put it there well enough and repeat what they’ve been told, they pass the exam and progress.

If they take that information in the Left Brain; transfer it to the Right and start filtering it and questioning it, and saying, “Well, does it make sense? What do *I* think about this?” – And then tell the exam paper, “Oh, actually it’s a piece of shhh this stuff.” – Then they don’t pass the exam, and they don’t progress.

The education system is completely built to make left brain prisoners who are basically sponges of the “official version” of life...”
– David Icke

Great knowledge and good people exist within the education system, and much necessary information is conveyed there, yes - but is not *this*, in fact, the model it runs on? Are not "left-brain prisoners" the NORMAL product of, and thus the higher level purpose of how traditional eduction is designed? (Aren't right-brain subjects like Art and Music regularly cut from school curriculums and then downplayed in the workplace?) "The people" must be trained by their "leaders" somehow don't they?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Giants Stadium Is Too Small For This Event...

Last year there was an online event that had more people attend than would fit into Giants Stadium in New York.

Now the event wasn't a sports event, and it didn't have any big celebrities in it or anything like that.

What made this event unique, driving over 81,000 people to attend online was that it was teaching a technique so powerful, so effective and so life changing that people flooded the event in droves to learn about it.

People from around the world turned off their TV's, put their children to bed early and skipped dinner just to get all of the information in this free ten day event.

And guess what…it's Back this year and it's Better Than Ever.

Want to know what it is?

Go here to find out:

Make sure to attend this year's event.  You will be upset if you don't get all of this unbelievably powerful information.

This technique and this event has information that you won't find anywhere else.  It's not your run of the mill online conference call program, which is why so many people attend.

Also, this only happens once a year.  Once it's over, it's gone forever....

I'll see you there,

Jevaughn Brown

P.S. - The event starts on Sunday night and goes for ten days.
They're already way ahead of last year's pace on people registering to attend online for free.   I'm guessing that no stadium in the World will have the capacity to hold the people that will attend online
THIS year…

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Great Morpheus Monologue: What is The Matrix?

Morpheus: “I imagine, that right now you’re feeling a bit like Alice – tumbling down the rabbit hole, hmm?”

Neo: “You could say that.”

Morpheus: “I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he’s expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth… Do you believe in fate, Neo?”

Neo: “No.”

Morpheus: “Why not?”

Neo: “Because I don’t like the idea that I’m not in control of my life.”

Morpheus: “I know exactly what you mean… Let me tell you why you’re here… You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there; like a splinter in your mind; driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me… Do you know what I’m talking about?”

Neo: “…The Matrix?”

Morpheus: “Do you want to know What It Is?”

(Neo nods)

Morpheus: “The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window; or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work…when you go to church…when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”

Neo: “What truth?”

Morpheus: “…That you are a slave Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage; born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison, for your mind… Unfortunately, no one can be, told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.

(Morpheus takes out the two pills, one in each fist)

Morpheus: “This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back.” (He opens his left palm before Neo…) “You take the blue pill: The story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.” (He opens his right palm before Neo…) “You take the red pill: You stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes…”

(Neo reaches for the red pill, but just before he takes it…)

Morpheus: “Remember: All I’m offering is The Truth – nothing more…”

– From the movie The Matrix

Hope you liked this super-quote, one of the best monologues in movie script history in my non-humble opinion. Thought-provoking when re-applied to what we all can see and experience in "real life"...

Jevaughn Brown
The 7-Day Back Pain Cure 2.0
Piriformis Pain Relief Techniques That Work

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Strangest Secret

This is in my non-humble-opinion one of the best (series of) videos on personal development EVER, in terms of foundational concepts - and it's probably one of the FIRST! Watch closely as Earl Nightingale discusses in down-to-earth political-correctness-free fashion, "The Strangest Secret". Listen to his words and let his voice open your mind to greater possibility...

Gotta love it. I can't add anything to this so that's all folks.

Peace and Victory...
Jevaughn Brown

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Quantum Mind Power - Do You Want Instant Changes?

Have you ever bought any self improvement programs,
and felt really excited about the information inside...
You made up your mind to make a real breakthrough
in your life since you were so eager to CHANGE?

BUT, a few weeks (or even days) later, you found
yourself falling back exactly where you got started.

Does that sound familiar?

Well, if you're like most people. I bet this has happened
to you many times. 

What's the problem then? Why do you get so many
great materials, but never work on it till you

I think you would agree with me, with most of these 
programs, if you could follow the instructions
they teach, your life would definitely change 
for the better. 

But WHY didn't you follow through? 

I'm sure you know the answer...
Because that takes hard work; really HARD work. 

We've all created a comfort zone that is VERY hard
to break out of. We’ve tried over and over again, but without
success. And we blame the programs; “Oh they don't work.”

The worst thing is that the average person ends
up "accepting" things because they don't know how
to change their situation.

They give up -- on their dreams, on the amount of
success and happiness they strive for in life, on
really living life on their terms.
If that sounds like you, don't worry! 

**That's About To End***

Now, if you just want to, you can completely transform your 
life, programming your mind for success without any "effort"
on your part with a powerful Mind/Brain optimizing
system called "Quantum Mind Power". 

All you need to do is to listen to this VERY special program a
few minutes each day, and it will create new supportive neural
pathways in your brain - then CHANGES happen, automatically.
No More *forcing* yourself to take action.
No More *forcing* yourself to Think and Feel Better and better.

This system was created with a breakthrough new audio
technology called "The Morry Method" by the world's only 
Certified Brainwave Entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch. 
This amazing technology has received many praises from 
top expertsin the personal development field (to name but one) AND most importantly the THOUSANDS of satisfied users 
of this program.

You can read about the exciting changes that people
have made with this system at their website...

In just a few weeks after the release of the
"Quantum Mind Power System", it became one of
the bestselling self-improvement programs on the
entire Internet and going strong.

Personally, I was very intrigued by the fascinating Science 
behind this system when I first heard about it - and since, all
hype aside, you DON'T know about something until you've tried it,
I gave it a shot. And haven't looked back since.

Find out what Quantum Mind Power can do for YOU here (and claim a special introductory price if you choose to order today).

Peace and Victory,
Jevaughn Brown

PS: "It's been over two months since I invested
in your program and I can truly say 'It works!'.
While I am thoroughly enjoying being smarter,my
most obvious progress is in being much more
creative:I come up with so many ideas,so many
creative solutions to challenges that would have
caused me to give up in my pre-Quantum Mind Power
My only regret is that I did not invest in your
program sooner. Some of my friends are starting
to comment on my new mental abilities,like making
difficult things look easy! You have given much
to the world,and much more shall be given to you
in return. Thank you for dramatically changing my
life for the better." -- Stephen Frederick

Excited yet? Click here then. :-)

Why am I affiliated with Quantum Mind Power? Because I USE IT, love it, and if there was no such thing as money - I'd be telling you about it. And I think that is the ultimate reason to recommend anything. Don't you?